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descriptions and photo gallery below!
student newspaper
I have been the Co-Editor-In-Chief of my high school's student newspaper for the past two years. Prior to this, I was a staff writer who was instrumental in bringing our school newspaper back from its nearly 20 year long hiatus. Now, I publish monthly issues for the whole school to read covering everything that makes our arts magnet high school unique, from art galleries to mainstage shows. From op-eds to to comics, reviews to PSAs, the Pegasus Post has it all, and I am so honored to have led it for the past two years.
National honors society
inducted member
I have been a member of the National Honors Society since my sophomore year. To get inducted, I maintained a GPA above 98 and practiced community service within my community. With an unweighted GPA of 3.94, I continue to practice academic excellence and maintain my position in the Society. I have completed almost 100 community service hours that count towards NHS, and I look forward to continuing to practice academic excellence and going out into my community to make a difference.
no place for hate council
I have been a member of No Place for Hate since the end of my sophomore year, and I have been President since the end of my junior year. As NPFH is a national anti-bullying and anti-bias organization, the application process for my school's branch was extremely selective. Through my clear commitment to social justice and my past community service, my application stood out and I was accepted. In my first semester as a member, I assisted with a day-long event where students were able to go up to a station and attach pronoun stickers to their student ID badge in an effort to prevent misgendering and make our school more inclusive. Before I was the President of BTW Proud, I was the Community Service manager, and as Community Service Manager, I led a collaboration between No Place for Hate and BTW Proud: a Soles4Souls fundraiser that raised over 70 pairs of shoes. I am currently President, and I hope to continue my leadership efforts in No Place for Hate for the rest of my high school career.
Destination imagination (Arts division)
I have been the leader of Destination Imagination since my freshman year. As President, I assemble a team, write our response to a creative prompt in the form of a play or a song, .
international thespian society
Inducted member
I have been a member of the International Thespian Society for the past one and a half years. To get inducted, I completed at least 200 hours of theatre activity in my freshman and sophomore year of high school. After acting, stage managing, and directing in many shows over these two years, I was inducted into the Society. Since then, I have maintained my immense involvement in my school's theatrical community and garnered over one hundred more hours, for a total of over 350 hours. I look forward to maintaining my membership in this prestigious society and garnering even more theatre experience!
Teenage communication theatre (TACT)
team leader
I have been a member of Teenage Communication Theatre with Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas for the past year and a half. After a rigorous audition process involving acting, improv, and an interview, I was selected for this theatre troupe. In TACT, we are heavily educated on modern issues important to and for teens today, such as contraceptives, STIs, secrets, mental health, domestic abuse, and more. After a summer-long education intensive process, we write and perform educational skits on these topics in locations such as foster care, women's shelters, halfway houses, youth group events, and more. This work is incredibly fullfilling, and I absolutely love the chance to combine my two passions: community service and theatre. After a year of work, I was promoted to Team Leader, and now I take on more responsibilities: leading performances, educating new members, organizing events, and writing shows. I look forward to continuing my work in TACT and leading our amazing group for another year!
btw proud
I have been a member of BTW Proud since my freshman year. I was elected as Community Service manager at the end of my sophomore year, and I am currently President, a position for which I was elected at the end of my junior year. When I was the Community Service manager, I led many club initiatives. I am most proud of our infosession with the Trevor Project, in which I reached out to a representative and led a presentation with this expert about queer mental health, suicide prevention, and coming out. Even though the expert Zoomed in, our school's theatre still filled up for the event, and hearing all of my fellow students thank the speaker that I had reached out to for giving them a safe space to ask questions and be themselves was transformative for me. I also led a collaboration between No Place for Hate and BTW Proud: a Soles4Souls fundraiser that raised over 70 pairs of shoes.
Student council
Destination imagination
Arts Division
girl scouts of america
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