Scholastic art and writing awards
Gold Key: Poetry
The Year I Swallowed The Sky (link each piece)
Honorable Mention: Dramatic Script
Green Glass Brain
Honorable Mention: Dramatic Script
Hyacinth Handprints
Star Playwright award
Awarded by Stage West
*insert image of award*
The Blank Theatre Young Playwrights Festival
Hyacinth Handprints
Whales Mourn Their Loved Ones Too
In addition to my semifinalist status, I received two full scholarships to the Advanced Playwriting class at Young Playwrights Academy, a prestigious play development class led by professional playwrights. I had multiple plays developed and produced through this process.
Eugene O'neill Young PLaywrights Festival
Bottle Episode
Dallas isd Black History STudent writing Competition
Awarded to one person of color and one ally. Wrote a poem about the importance of listening as an ally and drowning out hate as best we can. Won my category of the competition and performed my poem with the other winner at a Dallas Independent School District Presentation.
Winner: Poetry
Louder As Each Day Comes
UT ARLINGTON 48 Hour film contest
Given 48 hours to create a film on an iPhone based on a required prop. This year's prop was "chocolate".
Winner: Best Use of Prop
One Flavor At A Time (link to film)
*insert image of certificate*
Poetry out loud
A school-wide poetry recitation contest determining who advances to State finals; achieved the runner-up position reciting Dirge Without Music by Edna St. Vincent Millay.
Schoolwide Competition: Second Place
prolific Playwright award
Awarded by Stage West
*insert image of award*
onramps student research symposium
One of twenty students selected by representatives of OnRamps at the University of Texas at Austin to present a rhetorical analysis of the benefits and necessity of gender-affirming care for minors amidst country-wide bans at a day-long research symposium.
Girl scout bronze award
As a Girl Scout Junior, I spent over 20 hours researching, developing, and implementing a "Take Action" project. With my Girl Scout troupe, I went into my community and learned about food poverty, visiting shelters and putting together sacks of nonperishable food and essentials for families below the poverty line in the Dallas community.
Girl scout silver award
As a Girl Scout Cadette, I spent almost 100 hours designing and leading a project that would cause lasting change in my community. In partnership with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, an international charity organization for the poor and needy, I created the first St. Vincent de Paul youth group in South Texas- the "Mini Vinnies". As president and founder, I led a group of around fifteen people in weekly meetings, where we planned community outreach events and partnerships. We led food drives, clothes drives, and charity events at our local church and sister locations such as Goodwill.